All In One Guide: What Does EP Stand For In Music?

An EP, or Extended Play record, is an album containing more than a single but fewer tracks than a full album.

Want to know how to produce an EP? You’ve come to the right place! Recording a full LP (Long Play) can be expensive and time-consuming for indie artists with limited resources. That’s why many musicians, especially those just starting out, begin by releasing EPs. So, what exactly is an EP in music?

Continue reading to find out!

What Is An EP?

An EP is a medium-length record with fewer tracks than an LP or full-length album, often containing 4 to 6 songs. This differs significantly from the original meaning. EP stands for Extended Play Record from the twentieth century. It was a type of vinyl record played at a slower tempo than conventional play records (SPs and LPs). The main difference between an EP and an LP is that an LP is ‘Long Playing’ and often contains more than 8 tracks. As mentioned, an EP has 4-6 tracks.

If you want to successfully record an EP and get it noticed, there are a few factors to consider. Let’s get started!

How Many Songs Are On An EP?

EPs should have four to six tracks. iTunes and Spotify consider a release an EP if it includes 4-6 tracks.

If you’re unsure whether to go with 4 or 6 tracks, consider your musical style and the goal of the EP. If you want to send it to record labels, you will likely want more tracks so they can get a sense of your style. You want to demonstrate that you have a good selection of quality songs.

If your goal is to use it for marketing, you should include fewer tracks. You don’t want to give away too many songs because this isn’t an album. Your album will have additional tracks and will be the next step for people to invest in you.

Create something that people will listen to a few times and then want to buy the entire album!

What Are The Maximum And Minimum Track Lengths?

Songs should generally be between 2 and 3 and a half minutes long.

Because an EP is only a sample of your music, keep it brief. Again, this varies greatly depending on the genre. Longer tracks are more common in genres like Progressive Rock, where 6 and 8-minute tracks aren’t unusual.

To make the song memorable, highlight all the elements and the hook early on.

EPs are defined by iTunes and Spotify as being less than 30 minutes in length. If your EP is longer than 30 minutes, iTunes and Spotify will not recognize it as an EP!

How Do You Promote Your First EP?

Keep reading to learn about some of the best release strategies and how to promote your EP both before and after it is released!

How To Release An EP Independently?

  1. Release Schedule: Ensure you have a release schedule for your EP.
  2. Distribution: Distribute your EP through as many online platforms as you can afford, like BandCamp, ReverbNation, and SoundCloud. Double-check that all your metadata is correct.
  3. Social Media: Publicize it on social media. You can also organize a release party to celebrate and draw attention to your EP.

Do’s & Don’ts

Ready for some tips on what to do and what not to do with your EP? Let’s dive in!

  1. Include “EP” in the title: Put ‘- EP’ in the title. If iTunes recognizes your release as an EP but it doesn’t include the word “EP” in the title, it will automatically add it. Keeping consistency across all streaming platforms is important.
  2. To Add Or Not To Add A Remix?: When trying to get someone’s attention, show the best side of yourself. Remix one of your successful songs and use it as the opening track on your EP. If your style allows, use the same vocal file or re-record to match the new track.
  3. Diversify The Album Content With Interludes: Interludes, whether instrumental passages or dialogues, can make the record flow smoothly and give your listeners a sense of your personality.
  4. Create An EP Cover: Always include a cover, even if it’s a digital release. Your cover should contain standard contact information and a brief message urging listeners to take a specific action.
  5. Call To Action: Inform your audience about what you want them to do next. Whether it’s signing up for your mailing list or sharing your CD, make your intentions clear.

Lastly, these are not the only tips on EP. The internet has a lot more to follow which may even seem very crucial to you. Always consider your style & purpose before blindly following all tips

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